Egeria Services
Through Egeria Editorial Services LLC Kevin and Louise Perrotta write and edit books and articles, teach about Scripture, saints, and other religious subjects, and lead pilgrimages to the Holy Land.
Besides working through Egeria Services, Kevin teaches as an adjunct instructor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, in Detroit, and at Siena Heights University's Theological Studies Program, in Adrian, Michigan, and Louise serves as an editor of The Word Among Us magazine.
Besides working through Egeria Services, Kevin teaches as an adjunct instructor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, in Detroit, and at Siena Heights University's Theological Studies Program, in Adrian, Michigan, and Louise serves as an editor of The Word Among Us magazine.
Who's Egeria?
Egeria belonged to a religious sisterhood in present-day Spain or France. In the late 300's she made a lengthy pilgrimage to biblical sites in the Holy Land, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Turkey. She was an intrepid traveler--travel was very laborious and dangerous in those days--and she prayed and read her Bible as she went.
Egeria wrote a travel report for her sisters back home and, amazingly, much of it has survived. In it, she gives a lively picture of the biblical sites she saw and the Christians she met who helped her understand the sites and prayed and read Scripture with her. From her stay in Jerusalem, she gives a detailed and enthusiastic description of how the Christians celebrated the liturgy then--the most detailed description that exists of the liturgy in that era. Egeria writes about her experiences in a simple, direct, non-academic way. In fact, her travelogue is one of the very few instances of ordinary, everyday Latin writing to survive from the ancient world.
We've chosen Egeria as our patron because of her love of Scripture and the liturgy, her travels to biblical places--which included meeting local Christians, not just looking at old stones--and her writing about all of this in a way that connected with her readers.
For all of us who seek to read the Bible as God's word, to combine the exploration of Scripture with liturgy and prayer, to visit biblical places, and to communicate about all of this in a down-to-earth way, Holy Mother Egeria, pray for us!